December 2022

The Christmas and liver health

The Christmas season is here and with it comes the joy of gathering with family, friends, and loved ones. However, for some people, Christmas can be a time of stress and overindulgence. Too much alcohol consumption at Christmas festivities can take its toll on your liver health. With excess drinking contributing to the development of liver diseases such as fatty liver disease or cirrhosis, it’s important to keep your drinking in check during the festive season. Here are some tips you can use to keep your liver healthy this Christmas: 1) Stay hydrated – Drinking plenty of fluids helps to flush out toxins from the body and keeps organs like the liver working properly. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Aim for eight glasses per day! 2) Eat healthily – Eating foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre is key for keeping your organs functioning optimally over winter. Fill up on fruits and veggies at each mealtime! 3) Reduce alcohol intake – Drinking too much alcohol places strain on your liver by decreasing its ability to process nutrients effectively as well as increasing inflammation levels in the body which can cause damage over time. Consider limiting yourself to only one or two drinks per occasion if possible! 4) Manage stress levels – Stress has been linked with numerous physical conditions including poor organ function so make sure you’re taking some time out for yourself during this busy period. Try yoga or meditation exercises when feeling overwhelmed! 5) Have regular check-ups – It’s important to have regular medical checks ups through all seasons but particularly during periods where we may be more prone to unhealthy habits such as excessive alcohol consumption or changes in diet due to holiday feasts! Your doctor will be able to identify any potential problems early so they can be addressed quickly before they become major issues down the track.

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The effects of long COVID on severe liver injury and liver stiffness

The effects of long COVID on severe liver injury and liver stiffness The effects of long COVID on severe liver injury and liver stiffness are becoming increasingly apparent as more research is conducted. Severe liver injury, including increased liver stiffness, can be caused by an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes the COVID-19 disease. This can lead to a buildup of scar tissue in the organ, resulting in impaired function. Additionally, recent studies have suggested that long COVID may cause an increased level of liver stiffness due to inflammation from cytokines released during persistent infection or elevated levels of endotoxins. Elevated levels of endotoxins can cause increased fibrosis which increases the risk for further complications such as portal hypertension or cirrhosis. Furthermore, patients with underlying chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes may be at a greater risk for developing severe liver injury due to their weakened immune systems when exposed to COVID-19. They may also experience an increase in fatty infiltration within their livers which increases the risk for chronic inflammation and fibrosis leading to an increase in stiffness within their livers. Long-term symptoms associated with long covid have also been shown to include fatigue and malaise which could further exacerbate underlying conditions and potentially worsen any existing cases of severe liver injury or fibrosis leading to increased rigidity within the organ over time. In conclusion, it is important for individuals who have previously experienced Covid-19 infections or those who are currently infected with the SARS-CoV2 virus to monitor their health closely for signs of worsening symptoms related to underlying chronic conditions such as obesity or diabetes so that they can take appropriate action if needed in order prevent worsening outcomes associated with serious cases of severe liver injury or stiffening due to long covid exposure

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