Liver transplant center in Girgaon
What is meant by Liver Transplatation?

Our Liver is the largest body organ in our body. It plays a vital role in food digestion, and energy storage, and removes poisons. It’s impossible to live with a diseased liver. In such a case, doctors do recommend a liver transplant.
A liver transplant is done when other treatments cannot keep a diseased liver working.
Liver transplantation is the process of replacing a diseased liver with a healthy liver from another person. A liver transplant is suggested as a treatment option for end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure. Dr. Chetan Kalal is running Liver transplant center in Girgaon
What are the types of liver transplant?
Most livers for transplants come from people who have just died, called deceased donors. During a deceased donor transplant, surgeons remove your diseased or injured liver and replace it with the deceased donor’s liver. Adults typically receive the entire liver from a deceased donor. However, surgeons may split a deceased donor’s liver into two parts. The larger part may go to an adult, and the smaller part may go to a smaller adult or child.
Sometimes a healthy living person will donate part of his or her liver, most often to a family member who is recommended for a liver transplant. This type of donor is called a living donor. During a living donor transplant, surgeons remove a part of the living donor’s healthy liver. Surgeons remove your diseased or injured liver and replace it with the part from the living donor. The living donor’s liver grows back to normal size soon after the surgery. The part of the liver that you receive also grows to normal size. Living donor transplants are less common than deceased donor transplants.